Family essay writing
Research Paper Topics In Material Science
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
7 Active Reading Strategies for Students
7 Active Reading Strategies for Students Dynamic perusing strategies can assist you with remaining centered and hold more data, however its an expertise that requires some investment and exertion to create. Here are a few techniques to assist you with escaping. 1. Distinguish New Words A large portion of us build up a propensity for disregarding words that are enigmatically natural to us, regularly not in any event, acknowledging we are doing as such. When youâ read a troublesome section or book for a task, take a couple of seconds to truly watch testing words. You will probably find that there are numerous words that you think you know-yet that you can’t truly characterize. Practice by underlining each thing or action word that you can't supplant with an equivalent word. When you have a rundown of words, compose the words and definitions in a logbook. Return to this log a few times and test yourself on the words. 2. Locate the Main Idea or Thesis As your perusing level builds, the unpredictability of your material will probably increment too. The postulation or fundamental thought may never again be given in the principal sentence; it might rather be situated in the subsequent passage or even the subsequent page. Finding the proposition is vital to understanding. You’ll need to work on finding the proposal of the content or article each time youre perusing. 3. Make a Preliminary Outline Before you jump into perusing the content of a troublesome book or part, set aside some effort to examine the pages for captions and different signs of the structure. In the event that you don’t see captions or sections, search for progress words between passages. Utilizing this data, you can create a starter diagram of the content. Think about this as the opposite of making a blueprint for your articles and examination papers. Moving in reverse along these lines causes you ingest the data you are perusing. Your psyche will, subsequently, be better ready to â€Å"plug†the data into the psychological system. 4. Peruse With a Pencil Highlighters can be exaggerated. A few understudies submit highlighter needless excess and end up with a messy multi-shaded chaos. In some cases it’s progressively successful to utilize a pencil and clingy notes when you compose. Utilize the pencil to underline, circle, and characterize words in the edges, or (if you’re utilizing a library book) utilize clingy notes to stamp a page and a pencil to compose explicit notes to yourself. 5. Draw and Sketch Regardless of what kind of data you’re perusing, visual students can generally make a brain map, a Venn graph, a sketch, or a timetable to speak to the data. Start by taking a perfect piece of paper and making a visual portrayal of the book or section you’re perusing. Youll be stunned by the distinction this will make for holding data and recalling subtleties. 6. Make a Shrinking Outline A contracting plot is another helpful apparatus for strengthening the data that you read in a book or in your group notes. To make a contracting layout, you have to re-compose material you find in your content (or in your notes). While it is a tedious exercise to work out your notes, it is additionally a powerful one. Composing is an important piece of dynamic perusing. When you have worked out a couple of sections of material, read it over and consider one watchword that speaks to a whole paragraph’s message. Compose that watchword in the edge. When you have composed a few catchphrases for a long book, go down the line of watchwords and check whether each word will incite you to recall the full idea of the section it speaks to. If not, re-read the passage and pick a progressively exact catchphrase. When each section can be reviewed by a catchphrase, you can start to make clusters of watchwords. On the off chance that vital (for example on the off chance that you have a great deal of material to retain) you can lessen the material again with the goal that single word or abbreviation encourages you recollect the clusters of watchwords. 7. Peruse Again and Again Science reveals to us that we as a whole hold more when we rehash a perusing. It’s great practice to peruse once for a fundamental comprehension of the material, and read at any rate once again to get a handle on the data all the more completely.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Child Labor Essay -- Essays Papers
Kid Labor Kid work has been around for long time it despite everything exists in this day and age. Thiskind of work gives issues or challenges in the financial world. Youngster work is social issue with the ascent of modern creation and free enterprise. It showed up in before ages in rural social orders when the youngsters all around the globe needed to work alongside nineteenth century, spreading to numerous nations. The issues began when numerous kids, more youthful than ten years of age, were utilized by industrial facilities. In this paper I will address the issues and history of youngster work, the kid work laws, and my recommendations or answers for kid work issues. Kid work is characterized as the work of youngsters under the time of physical development for extended periods of time. Youngster work is frequently utilized in social orders where ventures are being created. The legislatures and worldwide association for the most part consider an individual financially dynamic if the individual takes a shot at a customary premise. A youngster is a worker if the kid is monetarily dynamic. The youngsters are utilized on the grounds that they are lithe, effective at numerous untalented and semi talented work, brisk students, unprotected and simple for grown-ups to misuse. Truly, kids working is the same old thing, it was and still is frequently depicted for a family's endurance. A significant number of these kids are constrained into the workforce to become poor people, ranch hands and assembly line laborers. These youngsters are denied a training and ordinary youth, a few kids are bound and beaten. Some are precluded opportunity from securing development or the option to leave the working environment and go to their families. S ome are kidnapped and compelled to work. Human rights maltreatment in these practices are existing. There are around 250 milli... ...ause criminal is continually going to be a lawbreaker. My conclusion is that there ought to be an exchange limitation since I need to see a few changes in these nations thatuse youngster work and exchange limitations on them would be my best decision. List of sources: 1. â€Å"Child Labor†, 2. â€Å"History Of Child Labor†, 3. UNICEF, â€Å"Child Protection†, 4. Human Rights Watch, â€Å"Child Labor†, 5. â€Å"Child Labor Laws†, 6. â€Å"US Child Labor Law†, 7. â€Å"Children In Factories†, plant lab/indonesia.html 8. â€Å"Kaushik Basu†, <>
Saturday, August 15, 2020
The Day Before Selection Begins
The Day Before Selection Begins Sorry for the blog vacation guys. Were scrambling to get ahead in our work before we retreat to selection committee tomorrow. (Dont get too excited, the whole process takes about a month, so were still right on schedule to mail decisions in mid-march.) MyMIT has been pretty static recently, I know. This is because weve been working hard behind the scenes to change things around a bunch some portlets will be retired; some new ones will be added. Weve hired some student experts on subjects like UROP and Arts. I am SO excited to roll out the new layout and content. For the record, I have eaten Annas every day for lunch. I will be heading over there as soon as I finish this post. A parent sent me a disturbing article today. Reality-television-culture meets college admissions. A girl basically paid a consultant to help her reinvent her entire identity (including mailing address and activities) just to match the profile that colleges are looking for. Absurd. And supposedly the girl is a freshman here at MIT now, although I have no way of proving that. The irony is that I read it immediately following our pre-selection meeting, in which Marilee (our dean) talked about how insane the world is becoming in terms of competitive college admissions and how we (meaning all colleges, not just MIT) have a responsibilty to find a way to take the pressure down a notch otherwise the lives of high school students are destined to become 100% about getting into college, which is wrong, wrong, wrong. Life is for living. Below youll find an article that was published in March 2004 in the Boston Globe. After you read it youll know why I love MIT, and even moreso, its dean of admissions and the office she has built. (following article copyright 2004 The Boston Globe.) The Pleasure Principle Tell us about something you do for the pleasure of it. That question, on the MIT undergraduate admissions application, may look innocuous. But it represents one womans attempt to change the world and so far the world has barely budged. Although MITs admissions dean, Marilee Jones, has the support of her school, she is pretty much a revolution of one as she tries to push her counterparts on other campuses to lower the pressure on students competing for slots in Americas elite colleges. Its like an arms race out there, said Dean Jones in a phone interview, referring to the competition between schools to get top ranking on national lists such as the annual US News World Report college survey. That race to get the best students drives high schools, parents, and students to try to meet an ever rising bar of excellence, which, according to Jones, rewards people who are obsessing to the max. Two years ago Jones revamped the MIT application and interview process to learn more about the human being and to tap into what she defines simply as joy. Students answering the pleasure question on the application and another about dreams and aspirations get beyond lists and rote responses. They talk about their friends or their dog or how they like to cook or write poetry, and you see a very different aspect of the person than you see when theyre writing about why they want to be an engineer, said Jones, who began taking her crusade national last year with an article on aggressive parents in USA Today. She is also talking to admissions deans and plans to hit them hard at a May conference at MIT that will include Stanford and the Ivy League schools. In addition, she will address the Consortium on Financing Higher Education in June and talk to high school guidance counselors this summer. Go, Dean Jones! And may you never get discouraged no matter how deafening the silence from administrators who might not see themselves as part of the problem. The blame can be widely shared, of course, to encompass an entire culture, which has become an ulcer machine for adults as well as their kids. Economic pressures are immense, with some people working two or three jobs and with corporations insisting on higher productivity even as they downsize. Technology has made work a keystroke away, and consequently a lot of people never leave the office even when theyre on vacation. The lazy weekend is no more in households where conflicting sports schedules, errands, and briefcases or backpacks full of homework make everyone too aware of the clock. Tell us about something you do for the pleasure of it. The question is profound and deserves societys joyful contemplation. Like I said, I love this place.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Conflict, Power, and Influence in Interpersonal Communication
Conflict management deals with many levels of communications. Power and influence play a key role in how conflict is resolved in situations involving conflict. The film Lean On Me was first and foremost about transformation on several different levels. At first glance the tactics of â€Å"Crazy Joe†Clark seem harsh and arbitrary. It helps to understand that Joe Clark in real life was a sergeant in the Army reserves. (Gallene 1989) Much of the tactics displayed in the movie would be familiar to anyone who had ever been to boot camp. It is a tenant of modern police training that under stress people will revert to their latest or strongest training. For many years as a principal of a tough elementary school before arriving at Eastside High,†¦show more content†¦The movie does not say. However, the real Joe Clark was the master of using a dramatic gesture to make at point. Communication played a key role in how Principal Joe Clark chose to communicate with the students at Eastside High. Because of his impressive reputation and power, he was brought back at the school in hopes to make changes to the severe demise of the school. He was given the mission and assignment to change the environment of the school that had become violent with very low test scores and rapid drug use. The students lacked respect not only for the faculty, staff and other students but also for the school in which they attended. As the movie takes places and Joe Clark accepts the assignment as Eastside High school principal, he is very disturbed at what has become of the school. One of his many strategies that he used was his power to influence the attitudes and behaviors of Eastside High students which left him with a no nonsense reputation and the credit of named one of the nations â€Å"10 Principals of Leadership†by the governor of New Jersey in 1986. As a former drill sergeant of the Army, Joe Clark used his skills of tough discipline in an effort make some very drastic changes to the school. Although many of his methods were thought of as irrational and intimidating, he was willing to take steps he felt necessary make these changes occur. He realized that the task was far greater than what he initially accepted, but used his powerShow MoreRelatedInterpersonal Communication Essay1498 Words  | 6 PagesInterpersonal communication is the most important kind of communication. It happens when two individuals are in a close proximity to each other, and they are able to provide immediate feedback to one another. IPC (interpersonal communication) is the way we express our thoughts, feelings, and ideas to the people around us. Interpersonal communication is something you need to do well as it affects many aspects of your life. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Pacific Medical Supply Company Free Essays
PACIFIC MEDICAL SUPPLY COMPANY| Case 6| | Submitted to | Samy AhmedFaculty Member: MKT 445Sales Management| Submitted by| Medhad Nasser Chowdhury082735530Section : 01| 3/24/2013| Case Background Pacific Medical Supply Company was a prominent supplier in the southern California region. They used to supply medical instruments and all other itineraries using a distribution channel consisting of sales commission based Sales force. Jim Shine, the owner of Pacific Medical, started off his career with a background of a salesman at a beach application store. We will write a custom essay sample on Pacific Medical Supply Company or any similar topic only for you Order Now His first venture into the medical supplies business commenced in a garage and slowly climbed up to be a fully fledged business covering Southern California meaning major cities such as Los Angeles. With the company growing big Jim’s role moved from sales rep to sales manager to now in a position where he focuses into the whole companies operations. Jim had adopted a business model which ensured the company to be in the profit side of the margin. Then there was the Jim’s sales commission policies which clearly stated how the commission percentage was set. He also had a major list which stated how the sales commission would be structured. Everything seemed fine till Jim employed his most recent and the youngest sales employee, a young business grad female person, named Nicole Landis. Nicole was very good at her job as a sales rep and brought a different meaning of the sales commission. She worked hard and climbed up the ladder in making more revenues for Jim and consequently commission for herself. Jim saw his projected figures going up my immense degree and was glad he made the decision in hiring Nicole but as time passed, Nicole’s achievement increased so did the negative perception by the other employees. Soon came a scenario where Jim realized his sales force was in jeopardy and he had failed in the sales manager’s role. Case Analysis Nicole Landis, the youngest sales person in Jim’s sales force channel, was a young marketing graduate who had evolved into the best salesperson with the highest sales figure consequently making the highest annual sales commission. Nicole was a natural in sales if there ever was one. She could bond and rapport with anyone from purchasing agents to direct customers. Her sales style was to nurture her customers by being honest and prepared. She approached her sales role as an expert consultant who could solve customer’s problems and fulfill needs with her products. Nicole basically put a tick on all the best traits a salesperson could have: Jim Shine’s business model was excellent as per the business’s requirement. He took up the opportunity of Chinese products having very low cost and a high margin of profit. The 80-20 profit model was formed where only 20 percent of the products sold had a 80 percent profit margin. His business model was designed with excellence with a vision very well stated. Jim Shine had his business running with a sales force for a distribution channel. He believed his sales commission structure was well to do till one of his employees Nicole Landis maximized her sales productivity and cracks started being visible in Jim’s commission structure. It was seen, while making the structure Jim put up lucrative commission percentages on high quantity of products sold as he never thought any employee would outperform those sales targets. Jim Shine never realized a sales manager’s role stands very effective if there is an unbalance in the sales force. He found Nicole’s extravagant performance very superb as with the sales figures running high his profits increased consequently. Jim made sure all operations were going smooth nevertheless moving a long way from his Sales Manager’s Role. His whole sales force was getting jeopardized and the companies alignment was getting weaker. Case Conclusion First Jim Shine should strengthen his Sales managerial role and bringing in stability in his Sales force. He should look into Nicole’s situation and bring about a sustainable decision where his best employee Nicole can be retained. He should see if he himself is capable in sustaining the sales managerial role or he should look for a new manager. He should see how can he bring the traits seen in Nicole into the other employees. He should balance the two ideas of making Nicole a manager or bring about a complete re-engineering in his sales commission structure. How to cite Pacific Medical Supply Company, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Communication Skills Communication Tools for Information
Question: Describe about the Communication Skills for Communication Tools for Information. Answer: Brief background Communication is one of the most important elements that is requisite to share information, maintain a relationship, and manage the operational activity (Cornelissen, 2013). Currently, I am a student perusing degree in business management and that my future career orientation will be based on business practices in which marketing will be my core competency area. The scope of the present report is further based on the importance of communication skills along with rationale associated with the perspective. Furthermore, a perspective analysis is also made in conjunction with the strength and weakness of communication practices which will be reflective of my own competency skills with respect to professional practices. Communication skills importance in my professional practices In my perspective, communication is the most fundament aspect that is requisite for harmonious interaction as well as for the development of networking. The prime importance of communication practice is to articulate the message to the corresponding audience clearly. Clear articulation of the message in this context is indicative of the sharing information in a relative sense between the parties such that the associated meaning can be clear as well as presentable in a form that is easier to understanding (Claycomb Martin, 2013). For instance, from the perspective of marketing, it is a pre-requisite to explain the importance of product, dictate the advantageous prospect compared to other similar products, and to convince customer for making a buying decision. The mentioned example is related to communication with external members such as a customer. Another important aspect of clear articulation of vision is associated with the personal internal to the organisation. This includes cla rity in information transfer, shared decision making, discussion and combined opinion for the strategic framework, and collection of response or feedback. Collectively, the mentioned prospect of communication with internal and external agencies of the organization is termed as interpersonal communication skills (Perks, Farache, Shukla Berry, 2013). Likewise, framing trustworthy relationship is also an important aspect of communication practices. Personally, I believe that individual opinion is acceptable in a process only when the associated members have trust. In order to develop, gain, and maintain the trust with associate members, the communication scope must include clarity, honesty, and valuing the opinion of others. With proper knowledge of communication skills and tactics, it will be difficult for any individual to construct and foster active relationship at workplace properly (Gustafsson, Kristensson Witell, 2012). Impotently, in my opinion, anther critical aspect that is equally important for effective communication practices is listening. Personally, I believe that only a good listen can have the potential to render safe and maintain value prospect by virtue of communication that will be having optimal productiveness. Listening characteristics is mainly valuable as it will offer the opportunity to gain newer ideas, it promotes two-way communication, develops understanding and clear negotiation, avoids confusion, error, and misunderstanding, and frame a trustworthy relationship (Claycomb Martin, 2013). Other than having a patient for listening in communication practices also boost the morale of other parties, and hence they feel more informed and secure while being engaged in the communication process. Communication is essential for leading people Leading people denotes the requirement to manage the resource utilisation as well as responsibility sharing among the employees. Often during my professional conduct, I found delegation and responsibility sharing, a significant challenge in the process of task execution. This includes conflict of interest, limited availability of the resource, lack of proper or prior information, and fear with respect to competency level. Leading people in this regard is related to understanding the prospect of the employee as well as accurate identification of their potential. Based on my personal experiences, there are instances in which conflict and negative emotions become dominant in the workplace (Perks, Farache, Shukla Berry, 2013). For example, negotiation and delegation is an aspect that general conflict of interest among people, which in turn is responsible for deteriorating the standards of work outcome. Likewise, there are instances in which negative emotion tends to arise within the wor kplace, such as anger, frustration, jealousy, and anxiety. These factors can only be mitigated using the openness in communication and taking corrective action in time (Gustafsson, Kristensson Witell, 2012). Primers used to effective communication As per my own communication style is concerned, I have learned the use of a primer that not only facilitates a two-way communication but also offers value prospect in understanding and forwarding a productive message. The foremost requirement of effective communicating practice includes preparation. A necessary element in this outlook is related to clarification of communication goal and anticipating the viewpoints as well as associated feelings of the receiver (Beebe Masterson, 2014). Once the communication plan is complete, the next level requirement is associated with the effectiveness of message delivery. In particular, this includes expressing the meaning with conviction and relating the message to comparative larger goals. Note that confirming the understanding of another person is much essential in this regard. Likewise, as mentioned in the earlier section, listen is another valuable tool that increases the effectiveness of communication. I realised that keeping an open mind and identifying the key point of the message is critical in making the whole communication practice efficient. According to Brunton et al. (2015) collected feedback must be valued precisely, and the same must be used for the further constructive purpose. Lastly, it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of communication, and concurrent action must be implemented for bringing efficient outcome. Evaluation of my communication practices In this part of the report, an evaluation is presented that is based on my own communication practices. The scope of this analysis is based on my perspective analysis as well as the feedback collected from peers and teachers (Henderson, Cheney Weaver, 2015). The evaluation section is mainly focused on the strength and weakness, which are critical for future improvement. What is my strength in communication? The key strength of my communication lies in the use of evidence while making advocacy for any concerned topic. In particular to the marketing profession, it is much essential to convince the audience (customer and peers), such that they must believe and accept the advocated prospect. This impressive power will be appearing in the communication practice when there will be a substantial reflection of evidence (Mishra, Boynton Mishra, 2014). For instance, while dictating the market trend, it is important to show the market statistics, figures, facts that can shed a positive impact on the other party. Another significant strength is the use of accurate verbal as well as non-verbal manner during any communication process (Jensen, 2015). The verbal skills are associated with the use of precise words, jargons, addressing people correctly, and using proper sentences that can offer clarity of understanding. Similarly, the use of non-verbal task includes appropriate body language, eye contact, facial expression, use of hand motions, and eye movements. I believe that these traits are important as it reflects confidence in the communication as well as present trustworthy feelings afterwards (Rosemann vom Brocke, 2015). What is my weakness in communication? Particularly, when I use to be in tensed condition or full of anxiety, I was unable to maintain a proper tone in my communication. Accordingly, my body posture, hand movement, and eye contact also use to be in a disordered manner that in turn offer a negative impression to the other party. While discussing my weakness with my peers, they suggested that using openness in communication and making clear negotiation are the easiest tool that not only manages leniency during communication practice but also avoids negative feelings in the listener (Wallnfer Hacklin, 2013). Being a patient listener is another good quality of my communication practice While collecting a feedback opinion in conjunction with my communication practice, I was admired by my peers that listening patient is another important criteria that is responsible for my communication effectiveness (Jensen, 2015). Active listening mainly involves paying complete attention and avoiding interruption caused by external noise. In addition to this, the listening practice also helps me in identifying the concern of customers and thereby I use to manage requisite provision for maintaining a good relationship with them and making the transaction of professional elements. Failure to maintain authoritative style during conflict is my weakness The authoritative style mainly helps in retaining transparent negotiation which in turn is responsible for raising conflict like situation. Particularly, while managing the employees, I realise that there requires a balance between delegation and valuing of individual perspective. I have also noticed that I lack clear communication while making the negotiation in a conflict like situation, which is reflective towards failure to adopt the authoritative style of communication (Ruck Welch, 2012). Conclusion In summary, the present report is based on self-reflection of communication practices. I realised that use of proper approach while maintaining verbal and non-verbal traits in a communication practice is an essential requirement to make communication practice most efficient in terms of outcome. Other than this, effective communication style also includes patient listening, collecting feedback, making firm analysis with evaluation, and implementing into the course of action, for practical outcomes. Another part of the solution is further based on an evaluation of my own communication practice that sheds light on strength and weakness. Use of evidence and using proper verbal as well as non-verbal accuracy are my strength. On the other hand, failure to maintain a proper tone in communication practice is my weakness in communication practices. References: Beebe, S. A., Masterson, J. T. (2014). Communicating in small groups: Principles and practices. Pearson Higher Ed. Brunton, M., Kankaanranta, A., Louhiala-Salminen, L., Jeffrey, L. (2015). Are Strategic Communication Management Competencies and Personal Attributes Global? A Case Study of Practice in Finland and New Zealand. International Journal of Business Communication, 2329488415608846. Claycomb, C., Martin, C. L. (2013). Building customer relationships: an inventory of service providers objectives and practices. Journal of Services Marketing. Retrieved from Dated 02 Sep 2016. Cornelissen, J. (2014). Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Gustafsson, A., Kristensson, P., Witell, L. (2012). Customer co-creation in service innovation: a matter of communication?. Journal of Service Management, 23(3), 311-327. Henderson, A., Cheney, G., Weaver, C. K. (2015). The role of employee identification and organizational identity in strategic communication and organizational issues management about genetic modification. International Journal of Business Communication, 52(1), 12-41. Jensen, R. W. (2015). The Role of Public Relations and Organizational Communication in Environmental Management. An Integrated Approach to Environmental Management, 277. Mishra, K., Boynton, L., Mishra, A. (2014). Driving Employee Engagement The Expanded Role of Internal Communications. International Journal of Business Communication, 51(2), 183-202. Perks, K. J., Farache, F., Shukla, P., Berry, A. (2013). Communicating responsibility-practicing irresponsibility in CSR advertisements. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), 1881-1888. Rosemann, M., vom Brocke, J. (2015). The six core elements of business process management. In Handbook on Business Process Management 1 (pp. 105-122). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Ruck, K., Welch, M. (2012). Valuing internal communication; management and employee perspectives. Public Relations Review, 38(2), 294-302. Wallnfer, M., Hacklin, F. (2013). The business model in entrepreneurial marketing: A communication perspective on business angels' opportunity interpretation. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(5), 755-764.
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